CHOP Continues to Grow
Recent Annual Membership Meeting
If you weren’t able to attend, here’s a look at what we accomplished:
Celebrated Success: We showcased completed home repair projects that improved living conditions for residents.
Launched Our New Website: We introduced our upgraded platform to better connect with the community.
Provided Membership & Fundraising Updates: We shared how community support is advancing CHOP’s mission.
Held Board Elections: Members nominated and voted for new board members to lead our efforts next year.
Thank You to our Sponsors!
Our Valentine’s Day Brunch & Concert Fundraiser raised critical funds for the launching of Phase 1 of the Gopher Field Project.
Thank you to all who attended, and a special thank you to our silent auction donors:
Anita Clovesko-Wharton
Robin Baxter
Dos Cabezas WineWorks
Donna McKenzie
Lila Davison
Anabeli Miranda
Sarah Jo Peterson
Susan Corl
200 for $1,000 Campaign
We are excited to launch our latest fundraising campaign which aims to raise $200,000 for the pre-development of the 0.6 parcel of land to build six modest-sized affordable homes on Gopher Field.
We invite you to help make the 200 Hearts, $1,000 Each: Together, We Build Dreams a success. Your generous donation will allow CHOP to pay for the predevelopment and infrastructure on Gopher Field.
With your support, we can move the family with three children into a modest three-bedroom/two-bathroom house, and our single friend into a one-bedroom/one-bathroom where each will feel safe and stress-free of losing their current rental to a rate increase.
CHOP Hosts Chipper Day!
CHOP hosted a FREE Chipper Day in Patagonia on Saturday, December 7, 2024. The Arizona Wildfire Initiative partnered with CHOP to help pre-registered Town residents cut, remove, and chip green waste. The goal for the day was to help reduce wildfire risk, promote healthy vegetation to support wildlife, and an added perk of improving property value in the Town limits. Many households took the opportunity to dispose of yard waste, buildup, and tree trimmings.
The nonprofit assisted 15 residents who pre-registered for the event with the help of volunteers from Borderlands Restoration Zach & Dalton who donated their time and chipper, the Wildfire Initiative crew Cat, Meghan, and Gabe, the CHOP Board Directors Tod, Ken, Tess, Sarah Jo, & Allyn, staff Elvia, and CHOP member, Kelley. Patagonia local and small business owner, Juan Yanez, was hired to do the chipping thanks to a grant Northern Arizona University provided for the chipper event.
Thank you to all the households that participated and for your positive feedback.
Get the update on all CHOP activities plus exciting news about the next step for the Gopher Field Affordable Homes!
🟠 Update on the Gopher Field Affordable Homes
🟠 Home Repair Program Wins
🟠 New Board Directors
🟠 Upcoming Events & Fundraisers
🟠 Community Thank You!
Home Repair Fundraiser
Many thanks to the SPONSORS, PARTNERS, and SUPPORTERS who made the CINCO DE MAYO HOME REPAIR FUNDRAISER of 2024 a huge success!!!
Don’t forget to save the date for 2025!
Gopher Field Angel Tree Garden Plaque Installed
The Angle Tree Garden blooms bright thanks to Lila and the Tree Committe. Volunteers have worked hard to spruce up the site as plans are made and funds raised for the future homes coming to Gopher Field.
The plaque was made by George Deithorn with lettering by Rosemary Miranda. Truly a community effort!
CHOP Completes Another
Homebuyer Education Class
CHOP provides free Homebuyer Education Information Meetings at least twice a year. The program supports individuals and families interested in becoming homeowners with opportunities to earn the HUD-approved First Time Homebuyer Certificate
Our latest student got a general overview of how to develop a spending plan, an understanding of what credit information the lenders look at and how to build credit and/or repair it. He also requested and reviewed his free annual credit report.
To earn the HUD-approved Homebuyer Certificate, the participants must also take the online course eHome America provides. This online class is self-paced and participants who complete the course get their registration fee reimbursed by CHOP.
Congratulations to our latest Homebuyer Education participant for taking the first steps to fulfill his dream of becoming a homebuyer.
Section 502 Certified Loan Packager Available in Patagonia
Your local grassroots nonprofit, Community Homes of Patagonia (CHOP), has increased its capacity to help low- and very low-income households in their home buying journey. Tod C. Bowden, CHOP Board President, is now a Section 502 Certified Loan Packager.
CHOP Offers Homebuyer Education Class
CHOP is providing quality, affordable housing opportunities to Santa Cruz County, Arizona residents by hosting needed homebuyer workshops free of charge. Pima County Community Land Trust (PCCLT), is a HUD-approved education agency with trained housing counselors.
CHOP Extends Employee Contract for Second Year
Elvia Gallaher received unanimous board support to be funded for a second year as CHOP’s Program/Office Manager, a 20-hour work week position.
Elvia is responsible for coordinating and implementing all aspects of CHOP’s Home Repair, Homebuyer/Financial Education, and Affordable Housing Programs. This includes the planning, documentation, and reporting of the program results.
Elvia is passionate about finding permanently affordable housing solutions for working families and individual households in Patagonia. Her hopes are that she will help CHOP find the resources to significantly move the Gopher Field Land Trust project forward and to exceed all of CHOP’s goals written in the ARPA grant. She invites you to share your ideas and suggestions